Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Help

What a FABULOUS book - I read this about a year ago, and just after I finished, I heard that production was starting on a movie.  They cast Emma Stone to play the part of Skeeter, and at first I was a bit dubious, but after finally seeing the movie last night, I am fully convinced that this is the best adaptation of a novel that I have EVER seen.

To paint the picture, Kris and I were eating dinner, and I decided we should rent it.  Kris reluctantly agreed, and proceeded to get out his laptop to do some work.  About half way through, I look over at him to see how uninterested he was, and by this point, he has put away his computer and is intently watching.  At the end, I was tearing up, and looked over to see if he was still watching and noticed that he too has teared up. What a sweetie - he has a good, kind heart - one of my favorite qualities in him.

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